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Member benefits
  • Meet leaders and changemakers in education
  • Keep up with state and national Montessori news
  • Receive education and guidance
  • Tap resources to inform educators and policymakers
  • Earn professional development hours
  • Support for your school’s administration
  • ​Work toward NYS recognition of the Montessori Teacher Certification
Manhattan NY

Join or Renew Membership, as a School or as an Individual not affiliated with a school.

Step 1: Registration Form

Step 2: Dues Payment

The membership dues payment deadline has been extended while NYSMA is integrating a new payment method.

Step 1 - Registration

Registration Form Submitted!

montessori sandpaper letters nysma.jpg
Step 2 - Dues payment
Notification to be sent soon with payment link for ease of annual dues payment.
New Platform Coming Soon!


Anna Rita Pergolizzi-Wentworth, President 

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The New York State Montessori Alliance is a nonprofit organization and does not discriminate in its policies for selection of board members or volunteers, nor for event participation on the basis of race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, socio-economic level, physical ability or genetic orientation, or learning style.

©2021 by New York State Montessori Alliance

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